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Sally-Anne Hunter
Angel Investor, Scotland
Sally-Anne Hunter is a multi-award winning strategic and fundraising consultant for nonprofits, charities, community interest companies and mission-led businesses. She ensures
organisations delivering social impact are funder and investor ready and have the funds
they need to thrive. Her global experience covers all fundraising activities, income streams
and social investment.
A lawyer by training Sally-Anne sits on the Institute of Fundraising Advisory Board, is a
Fellow of the RSA and RGS and has been a Trustee of several charities including a start-up
and a multi-million turnover organisation. She has founded and run several mission-led
businesses and is an alumni of the Entrepreneurial Spark entrepreneur accelerator. As an
entrepreneur and investor, she is currently working on projects to support an increase in
female angel investors and philanthropists and on promoting ethical finance. She was
awarded a Saltire Fellowship and sponsored by the Hunter Foundation to study at Babson
College, reviewing innovations in the funding landscape of charities, social innovation and
social entrepreneurship in Scotland.
As founder and director of Commando Spirit, the award-winning fundraising campaign, she
was one of only four women to abseil the Shard, Western Europe’s tallest building, with the
Royal Marines.
A regular speaker on philanthropy and social investment, she is part of the Sporting Chance
and Inspiring Women initiatives, speaking to school, college and University students on
careers with a social impact.